What’s Your Worth?
Ever heard the phrase, “know your worth?” These three words can challenge you to examine the very foundation of your business or marketing strategy. Worth and value are often used interchangeably when talking about what your company offers, but the reality is, a company’s worth does not always hinge on their products and services alone. Value is equal to the benefits you can offer your customer, but worth is what those benefits mean to that customer. For your company to create a sustainable and satisfying customer experience that enriches existing customer loyalty, and attracts new customers, you must have worthy, value-added benefits. Understanding your competitive angle in the market and your unique value proposition for each product and service, gives you a competitive advantage when making a sales call. These value-added benefits add up to the difference in what a customer is willing to pay. It’s like adding cherries on top of an enticing scoop of ice cream – they’re the zingy-sweet treat that increases a customer’s appetite for more!
Read this: What’s Your Worth